In my home, I now have an altar. It is not a thing of beauty or a decorative piece. When I first got this altar, my children asked me what I planned to do with it. I told them that I would put it in my office as a place of remembrance.
As the wife of a pastor, I thought I was sensitive to the needs of a widow. I thought I was sensitive to the needs of a pastor’s widow.
Six years ago today, my dad stepped through the gates of heaven into his final reward: heaven
The Lord pricked my heart and again reminded me that lost things, lost people are important to Him. They matter. They are so important that He would go searching through the darkness regardless of what stands in the way of finding them. Not only would he find them, but He would pick them up and carry them on His shoulders, back home and back to safety.
Sometimes it feels like He doesn't, but God knows what you need.
I don’t know if the people who asked John, the Baptist, what they should do, liked the answer they were given or if they followed through and obeyed John’s answer to them. I DO know that whenever I ask my heavenly father what I should do, he always gives me an answer. It may not be an answer that I like or that I want to do but if I want to be productive and effective in the kingdom, I MUST respond to His answer.