In my home, I now have an altar. It is not a thing of beauty or a decorative piece. When I first got this altar, my children asked me what I planned to do with it. I told them that I would put it in my office as a place of remembrance.
In Luke 3:7-22, we read the story of John the Baptist who was preaching to the crowds in the wilderness. John was SO not politically correct in his delivery of the sermons he preached. In fact, he told the people that they were a brood of snakes. Not so sure I would want to sit under the ministry of anyone who called me a snake! John even said that judgement was near and that if they didn’t start to bear fruit, they would be chopped down and thrown into a fire, burned up because they were no good. After John delivered this scathing dictate, evidently the people were convicted because they saw wrong in themselves.
The crowd asked John, “What should we do?”
John replied, “Give away your extra coat and your surplus food.”
The tax collectors came along and asked John, “What should we do?”
John replied, “Be honest and prove it. Don’t ask for more money than is required.”
The soldiers came along and asked, “What should we do?”
John replied, “Don’t extort money. Don’t accuse people of things they didn’t do. Be content with what you are paid.”
Many of you know my personal policy about not giving money to people who are begging on the street corners. You don’t have to have that same policy for yourself, but knowing the horror or drug addiction and alcoholism in my family, I just don’t want to take the chance that someone will take the money I give them to support their addictions. Today, Danielle, Praveen, Mom and I were in Atlanta for lunch. I was already on alert because I had seen quite a few homeless people walk by the windows of the restaurant where we were eating. Many of them were talking to themselves, indicating to me that they had a mental or addiction issue or maybe they were talking to angels….. As we walked out of the restaurant, sure enough one of the homeless men I had seen walked up to Praveen and asked for something. Praveen started to walk away but then stopped and handed him the food he and Danielle were taking home. My first thought was that the man would not eat food someone else had touched but as I looked back this man was already eating the leftovers they had given him. I heard Danielle say as she walked to the car, “It never hurts to give away food.” My heart was pricked. Drat! Why had I eaten that last fried green tomato? I could have given it to him and been a blessing but maybe, just maybe, I needed to be reminded that even if I don’t give money, there is something I can always give. I also need to be reminded that we may sometimes be entertaining angels….
I don’t know if the people who asked John, the Baptist, what they should do, liked the answer they were given or if they followed through and obeyed John’s answer to them. I DO know that whenever I ask my heavenly father what I should do, he always gives me an answer. It may not be an answer that I like or that I want to do but if I want to be productive and effective in the kingdom, I MUST respond to His answer.
How long has it been since you asked your heavenly father what YOU should do? Has he answered? Has he given you direction? Are you being productive in the kingdom or are you like the tree that doesn’t bear fruit, destined to be cut down and burned up?